Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Horrorscopes for April

They should make "Hororscopes" instead of horoscopes. Being a random list of what could possibly kill you that day... For example:

Aries: Beware of low flying birds!

Taurus: Remember, bulls aren't the only thing that can "gore" you.

Gemini: The bus to hell departs at 10:30 sharp today.

Cancer: Avoid everything the color green or you shall surely die.

Leo: That mole you have may be cancer.

Virgo: Take heed of your eye floaters. They are actually psychic warnings of whom is plotting your demise.

Libra: All Pisces are your enemy, get them before they get you!

Scorpio: Beware contaminated drinking water.

Sagittarius: You may be a vampire, just in case, avoid sunlight and renounce Christianity.

Capricorn: Aliens have invaded. Prepare to be assimilated.

Aquarius: You are harboring the Anti-Christ in your womb. If you are a man, expect one really wicked shit this evening.

Pisces: All Libra are your enemy, get them before they get you!

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